My Bren graduate school friends know how to throw fun weddings. This past weekend my close friend Clair and her hubby Ben got married in Santa Maria. We rented a house in in town where the rowdy Bren crowd were housed for the weekend. It was a super fun three days that included plenty of wine, a Ramones cover band, fireworks, paint ball, and most importantly the wedding. My Bren friends continually set the bar high in life.
Julia and I went for an overnight backpack up in the Carson Iceberg wilderness area in the Sierras. The weather was drizzly but not enough to soak us through. Our hike was a short 4 mile trek up a drainage to a forested lake that overlooked the valley bellow. We unintentionally set our tent up a boggy area that off gassed decomposed vegetation fumes into our tent all night. By the morning my tent and all our clothes were permeated with the smell of rotten eggs. The weather cleared the following day and treated us to the beautiful Sierra scenery.